Which Wadia??

Could someone explain the pros and cons of the various Wadia transports that are showing up on the used market...including the 7, 12, 20, 270, WT2000, WT3200 etc.??

What are the differences in sonics and build.

Showing 1 response by thomasheisig

I own the dcs combo too and you can believe me that this combo is NOT very sensitive to transports.
Reason is a superior jitter processor.I tried several transports,all of them were ok.
What I want say is, when you go for the ultimate and you can afford it, ok, but the difference in sonics is not so huge you will expect.
I think the Wadia 3200 is a really good unit. Cheap 2 . hand and most people have no idea, what they sell....
When you want to go up, there is imho no danger with Wadia.