Which Wadia?

Wadia 6, 8, 850, 860, 16+25, 20+26 or 20+25 ?

Please help.

Showing 1 response by mike1diver

As a long time owner of an 860, I can highly recommend this piece. Very nice specs, and it is upgradeable to 860x, or 861 specs to 24/96 capabilities. It has digital volume conrtrol, so you can run it directly into an amp if you don't want to use a preamp. It has both rca and balanced outputs. I use it through a Mark Levinson 380 preamp, because I have other components, turntable, tuner, etc. and I don't really notice any degradation at all. Check out the Wadia website for more info. The Wadia company has turned itself around, so I don't think you will have to worry about service in the future.
Good luck in finding one that has not been snatched up. If you can find one, "Grab It."