Which VPI LP Cleaning Machine?

A number of people on this site, that I have developed a great deal of respect for, have advised the purchase of a VPI LP cleaning machine. I'm going to take their advise. Assuming that I can afford either one, but don't like to spend money needlessly, I would like help in deciding which to buy. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by rrick

I have a question about the 16.5 model. I have seen a few 16.5s for sale, where the seller mentions that it has some stainless steel collector or container. Is this a difference between various VPI LP models (like the 16 and 16.5) or is this something that has changed over the years within the 16.5?

If this is something that has changed in the 16.5 model over the years, is it really important that I select a model with one? If so, where do I tell the seller to look for it?