Which VPI LP Cleaning Machine?

A number of people on this site, that I have developed a great deal of respect for, have advised the purchase of a VPI LP cleaning machine. I'm going to take their advise. Assuming that I can afford either one, but don't like to spend money needlessly, I would like help in deciding which to buy. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by mgottlieb

I had lots of trouble with a 16 for the reason discussed above--no reservoir--and it literally fell apart. I switched to a 17. It performed flawlessly for over 10 years, and then I sold it to a friend (who had minor repairs made) and bought another one for myself to last the next 20 years. Maybe the 16.5 is an improvement over the 16 (I have no real knowledge about this), but the 17 is truly a class act and vastly superior to the 16.