Which version of SL3?

Getting ready to buy a pair of SL3's. It appears that there were improvements made along the way by ML. Which year/version is best? What are the differences? I would think the most recent before being discontinued is best, but how will I know which version I am looking at?
You can add the newer spikes to the older SL3's. Just visit MartinLogan.com. Also the newer binding posts are easier to work attach speaker cables.
You can add the newer spike to the ols SL3's. Just visit MartinLogan.com. Also the newer binding posts are easier to work attach speaker cables.
The only difference is in the spikes and audio connectors on back of SL3's. NO sound difference between the two versions!! The newer spikes are thicker and black vs the older thinner spikes.The newer connectors are spaced further apart and use plastic screw down caps vs the older gold metal screw downs.The older version are spaced closer together. The speakers are otherwise IDENTICAL.