Which version of Bottesini Concerto 2 in b minor?

I heard Double Bass Concerto #2 in B minor by Giovanni Bottesini on Sirius radio. This is the only info it gave. It sounded great and I want to purchase the cd. Anyone have comment on their favorite version on cd or sacd? Hopefully that will be the one I heard. I did email the DJ at Sirius but still no reply.

Showing 1 response by texasdave

Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889) was a composer, conductor, and player whose instrument was the double bass. He's just about the only composer who wrote a significant amount of music for that instrument, so he is the patron saint and favorite composer of bass players! You can find a worthwhile critical discussion/evaluation of different recorded performances of his works in Third Ear: Classical Music: The Listener's Companion, ed. Alexander J. Morin, 2002, 1201 pages, an excellent, surprisingly comprehensive guide to recorded classical music that avoids the pro-British bias and chauvinism of the Penguin Guide and the Gramophone Guide.