Which used tubed pre-amp & turntable for convert?

I am seriously considering going back to vinyl. Not happy with the system I have assembled:
Wadia 6 cd
Threshold T2 pre
Threshold T200 amp
Aerial 7B speakers
This combination sounds way too brite for my tastes. As the volume goes up it only gets worse. Everybody I have talked to or written to has suggested getting a tubed pre-amp. I also find myself wanting to try analog again (people who write about analog all sound so satisfied/fanatical even about their sound and I'm wondering if I am over digital). I listen to mostly rock (lots available on vinyl!). If I remove the T2 from my system, which used tubed preamp, phono stage and turntable would be good combination with the above? Phono stage could be in the pre-amp or seperate. Budget is $3000 to $4000. Where should most of the money go in this aquisition? I need some suggestions bad-my ears are bleeding!!!!

Showing 1 response by dar

My suggestion would be to drop 2k on a VPI table with a relatively basic arm and an Audio Research PH-3, which maximizes the extent to which your budget is directed toward your goal (versus a full preamp, when you already have a decent one). The cartridge choice can then either leave you in-budget (Grado) for an acceptable tube line stage, if thats what you decide you want, or slightly out of budget (say, Benz Glider, or, if you can find one used, the high output Transfiguration). Are proceeds from the sale of the Threshold already in the budget? If not, you could really add a nice tube linestage to the mix.