Which USB Cable do you like using

I am considering Wireworld Platinum USB A to B 2.0 meter.

Any thoughts of whoever here has experienced using it or compared with other higher-end USB Cables?
i agree with many of you the nay-sayers that USB cable shouldnt cost that much. but please try the cable first and then comment :-)

i myself tried (and bought) WW platinum starlight and had jaw dropping moment stunned on how good the sound is...

very strange hobby but fun...

thanks for all feedbacks
I read (computeraudiophile)that some people could not listen platinum starlight usb cables,they were unlistenable in their systems,too much atention to upper midrange and high freqeuncies.At first sight yes they provide as it looks quite jump over cheaper usb cables,but it doesn't necessary mean they would work in all dacs and systems.
This is, after a very subjective matter. What i would to uphold is that hobbysts should respect others' choices....
I'm considering cables to connect a Mac Mini to the USB port of an Oppo 105 that outputs balanced stereo. I'm surprised no one mentioned the AQ Diamond. Is it out of favor?

I've honestly had good luck with premium Belkin and Dynex USB cables. My audio systems have sounded really nice with them in place when I wanted to use a computer as a source. I haven't felt the need to change at all.