Which Transparent speaker cable to chose?

Hello, recently I decided to upgrade my speaker cables as I got also some new gear. My current cables are Van Den Hul Revelation hybrid. They used to play wonderfully with my previous Naim system, but I feel I could get much more from my new system by an upgrade. I took for auditioning the Transparent Musicwave Super cables and listened to them for a week. HFs were hugely improved - much more air, clarity, piano sounded fabulous, probably at some points a bit exaggerated, but overall big improvement. The issue, however, was that I lost most of my mid bass and probably some of the low bass as well. In general it was like my system lost some rhythm and pace, but got much more transparent. I switched cables several times during playback of various music and always the result was the same. I took my decision that I am not ready to sacrifice the body and pace of the music (at least for me it sounds like that) for some more air, so I returned them a day ago. Now I am wondering as there are some tempting offers for second hand Transparent Reference cables, but no option for audition, could I get much different and hopefully better result from them or I should go for another option? In other words what should I expect from the Transparent Reference different than from the Super? Thanks in advance for your feedback.

My system is:
MSB M204 monoblocks
Lamm LL2.1 deluxe preamp
Evo essence music server
Magico S5
All interconnects are AudioMusic

Showing 1 response by ghosthouse

Talk (call, don't bother with email) to the guys at The Cable Co. in New Hope, PA.  See what they suggest.  Borrow a few things from their lending library.  $ on the rental fee can be used on a purchase.  

Me personally, quite happy with the balance and body delivered by Cardas Parsec speaker cable but very interested in what an upgrade to either Cygnus or Clear Reflection would deliver.   

Good luck.