Which Threshold s are best?

Just wondering for those of you up on Thresholdif one were looking for a vintage piece which Threshold to look for?I assume one made while Mr.Pass ran the show.Thinking more than 100 maybe 150 to 300 a side.Also thoughts if any about the licence he gave Nakamichi to build their Stasis 100 and 200 wpc amps.Can they deliver on the cheap?Are there problem amps to avoid?

Showing 1 response by teajay

I believe everyone on this thread would be in total agreement that Mr. Nelson Pass has to be one of the greatest designers in the history of modern high end audio.

I now power my bi-amped system with a pair of Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks and a pair of Threshold SA-1 monoblocks. I do believe that both pairs of amps are the best sounding designs in either the history of Threshold or Pass Labs. I used to have a pair of Pass Labs Aleph 1's, which are a classic design also, but believe the new XA amps have surpassed the sonic performance of the Aleph and SA series amps.

Unlike Lawyerman, I find the XA-100's to be a better sounding amp then my SA-1's in my system, however they are both great and its amazing that the SA-1's are still almost as good as any SS amps on todays market considering that that they are twenty years old!