Which Threshold s are best?

Just wondering for those of you up on Thresholdif one were looking for a vintage piece which Threshold to look for?I assume one made while Mr.Pass ran the show.Thinking more than 100 maybe 150 to 300 a side.Also thoughts if any about the licence he gave Nakamichi to build their Stasis 100 and 200 wpc amps.Can they deliver on the cheap?Are there problem amps to avoid?

Showing 2 responses by mfslgoldcd

The Best Threshold amps designed are the SA Series amps.
These are Pure Class A Designs. And are the top designs of Nelson Pass.

Here are the top 3 Best Sounding and Quality made Threshold power amps. I have had every Threshold amp in the last 25 years.

1) Threshold SA/1 mono blocks with e mod in balance mode.Also love those Big Analog meters !

2)Threshold SA/4E stereo amp in balance mode.

3)Threshold SA/12E (as you know these amps) in balance mode.
Lawyerman great analysis of the Threshold amps.
The Threshold SA/4e is a great amp. I also prefer the Threshold SA series over the Pass Labs new stuff.

Sorry my beautiful silver Threshold SA/1's are not for sale. Will probably take them to my grave.