Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?

I'm doing research to find a new amp to replace my Parasound HCA 3500. I'd like the tubey midrange but the virtues of SS in the bass. Biamping is not an option as my rack is quite full. I need at least 200 wpc and want to spend less than 2k used. I'm driving VMPS Supertower/R SE's. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Thanks everyone for their help. I tried a little Cary AE 3 preamp and knew I was on the right track. Bought an Audio Research LS 16 pre and that was a bullseye, not too tubey and no ss nastiness like the Krell preamp. The Krell may be more detailed than the Cary at 1/10 it's price but certainly isn't as enjoyable to listen to. After thirty years I feel like I missed something just now getting into tube equipment. Went through 3 dacs trying to get to where I couldn't without the tubes in line. Many thanks.
Bel Canto EVOs. Has replaced tubes in my Apogee system. No heat. More power. More speed. Better dynamics. Etc. Think tubes evolved generations beyond SS.
Electrocompaniet definitely airs toward the tube sound, it is not lush necessarily, just on the warm side & eliminates a lot of the electronic haze. It can do justice to most any type of music & very detailed at the same time.
The McIntosh 162, 352, 602 sound likes tubes in some respect, i.e., they get the tonality right, and the pureness of the instruments, but ultimately, only a tube amp will give you the recording hall's ambience as well, while keeping you involved in the music.
Mcintosh mc352, mc602 I don`t know what the new mc402 sound`s like maybe that`s what I could do this week go listen to it. David