Wide dispersion is a great way to maximize room interaction and is way more often as not a big mistake. I can't help thinking that what you are looking for is headphones but I think this is most likely a distortion of translation.
Point source speakers such as you are listening to have miniature sound stages. They put you way back in the concert hall. Line source speakers give you a large soundstage and put you right up front which is what I think you mean.
There is one speaker in your price range that is a line source dipole which will meet your request beautifully and that is the Magneplanar 3.7i. This speaker may qualify as the single best value in all of Hi Fi dom. It has a few weaknesses which you should be aware of up front. They like power. They are an easy load but are just not very efficient. Tube amps will work fine but you will need 100 watts/ch. Even with a lot of power you can not expect them to hit the volume levels regular dynamic speakers do but they will go plenty loud enough for the music you like. They are not a good speaker for metal maniacs. They do not go super low down but few speakers do. If you want to shake the neighborhood you will need subwoofers. What bass is there is superbly defined and they give percussion a snap missing from most speakers. They have arguably the best tweeter ever made.
Most other speakers are just more of the same. When you listen to these you will know you are listening to very different loudspeakers. Listen to these first and you probably won't even bother listening to anything else so save them for last. Have fun and good luck!
Point source speakers such as you are listening to have miniature sound stages. They put you way back in the concert hall. Line source speakers give you a large soundstage and put you right up front which is what I think you mean.
There is one speaker in your price range that is a line source dipole which will meet your request beautifully and that is the Magneplanar 3.7i. This speaker may qualify as the single best value in all of Hi Fi dom. It has a few weaknesses which you should be aware of up front. They like power. They are an easy load but are just not very efficient. Tube amps will work fine but you will need 100 watts/ch. Even with a lot of power you can not expect them to hit the volume levels regular dynamic speakers do but they will go plenty loud enough for the music you like. They are not a good speaker for metal maniacs. They do not go super low down but few speakers do. If you want to shake the neighborhood you will need subwoofers. What bass is there is superbly defined and they give percussion a snap missing from most speakers. They have arguably the best tweeter ever made.
Most other speakers are just more of the same. When you listen to these you will know you are listening to very different loudspeakers. Listen to these first and you probably won't even bother listening to anything else so save them for last. Have fun and good luck!