Which speakers to be ''in'' the music?

Hey everyone, I started my journey not so long ago and tried different entry level models of brands such as Triangle, Paradigm and Monitor Audio. Right now I listen to a pair of Vandersteen 2ce Sig II which do a lot of good things for me. But what I want is not for the music to be laid out in front of me, clearly organized, I want to be IN the music, I want depth and verticalilty, good imaging but I don’t need super precise or realistic soudstage. I listen to all sorts of music but mainly Jazz, classical and electronic music. Which brand of speakers would have such philosophy? Due to covid it’s really hard to organize listening session so I would like to have some insights before booking appointments. My budget for the next pair will be around 7.5K usd, so kind of entry/mid level still. Any suggestions?

I am french, so sorry for the clunky english.

Best regards,


Showing 1 response by berner99

"I want to be IN the music,"

If you mean that you can walk around the room and are still in the "sweet spot", then you might enjoy:

Omni/polydirectional speakers or maybe
Speakers with wide dispersion

Several have home trial though most you’ll have trouble auditioning. From the list I’ve only heard the ohms and the smaller floor stand LSA. The list was put together from research I’ve done for myself, mostly on here.

Omnidirectionals or close:
--Larsen has a model

Wide dispersion
--LSA speakers (you might to talk Walter underwood hifi.  He's very helpful).