Which speakers for my system?

I'm in the process of upgrading my system and am now looking at speakers. Currently have Dcs Puccini and Ayre Ax5. I also have analogue, but to be upgraded in the future, so not so relevant at this stage.
I'm considering the following options:
- Magico S1
- Raidho C2.1
- Vivid Audio Giya G4
- WA Duette 2
- SF Guarneri Evolution
My system is on my living room (about 6 x 5 meters and 2,6 meters high) which area is used half for dining and the other half for leisure. The speakers are placed among a 3 meters space on the 6 meters Wall.

Which would you choose if budget was not an issue (prices vary widely between US and Europe, and the discounts I have also vary a lot between dealers), so only based on sound quality? I listen to all types of music, rock, heavy metal, classic, vocals (especially women), jazz, etc.
Please do not advise on other models/brands.
Thanks. I ended getting the Sonus Faber as space and distance to front wall was a limitation. The speaker best suited for that was probably the Duette 2 but the Guarneri Evo were substantialy cheaper. Now on the quest for the best cables match!
Your money your ears nobody can choose for you although used Magico S3 would be good if that is your taste.All of these speakers need the best cables amp and preamp to sound optimum.
I also love the clarity of the Raidho speakers but you listen to heavy metal and rock so I would add Rockport Atria speakers to your list. Best of Luck
As a Raidho D2 owner I can say they have clarity that is unbelievable. But the type of music they don't excel in is heavy metal but great for all other types.