Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?

OK, controversial subject but it needs asked. I'm curious for your experiences, mainly in your home, not a dealer and esp. not a show demo

Showing 1 response by allears4u

This question reminds me of the "journey" my Klipsch LaScalas have made with me. I bought the pair first, before I could afford hardly anything even remotely equal to their quality. They had to endure crappy SS Cambridge Audio AV receiver, Crap CD players, #16 guage speaker cable, $2.00 interconnects, Ortofon Red (Crap), $100 preamp....At each upgrade, those Klipsch revealed their potential. All the common criticisms toward "horny" speakers were there on steroids. Weak bass, flat soundstage....Getting the Raven Nighthawk made my eyes pop out as did the Tellurium Q Black II speaker wires, Better CD player....What I'm getting at is, these speakers became different speakers, way better speakers as my kit improved. DRAMATICALLY so much so they frankly DO NOT SOUND like the same speakers. If I read how someone doesn't like a speaker think synergy. Each piece of kit has to play nice with the rest of your set up or else AND then there's always that room. Sometimes I wonder if a "cheap" speaker couldn't made to excel in the perfect context. If you hate your speakers, try changing stuff around them. Maybe they do truly stink BUT probably more can be done to create better playmates.