If these are the little two-way design that they sell, i agree. It may be the finest "baby sized" speaker on the market. The funny thing is, these use drivers made by Focal. For those that don't know who that is, Focal is the same company as JM Labs. As far as i'm concerned, Legend could show JM how to make better use of their own drivers : ) Sean
Which speaker is the master of IMAGING ????
My jaw has only dropped with one system. I was at the Home Entertainment Show in NYC last summer when I was floored. It was the Legend Audio 'The Legend' speakers powered by Legend Audio Nirvana 100 watt Tubed Monoblocks.
OH MY GOD! Till this day, I get chills just thinking about the experience. It was like there was an entire stage filled with people and instruments right in front of me. The best part was when I took my eyes off of this stage to look at the speakers,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU WOULD SWEAR THAT THEY WEREN'T EVEN ON. I have heard other speakers that have exceptional qualities in other areas but I haven't imaging like that since that day.
Any other great imaging speakers out there?
OH MY GOD! Till this day, I get chills just thinking about the experience. It was like there was an entire stage filled with people and instruments right in front of me. The best part was when I took my eyes off of this stage to look at the speakers,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU WOULD SWEAR THAT THEY WEREN'T EVEN ON. I have heard other speakers that have exceptional qualities in other areas but I haven't imaging like that since that day.
Any other great imaging speakers out there?