Which Solid State amp 2k used? Krell?

I'm considering changing my amplifier and for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, Krell appeals to me. Here's the set up: Oracle DelphiIV/SME345/Grado Reference on a marble slab, Lehmann Black Cube phono section, BAT VK30 preamp, YBA CD Integre on a Bright Star base, Magnum Dynalab on a Bright Star Base, Classe DR-8 amp on a 1" thick marine grade plywood base, Martin Logan Quest Z's. IEC power cords are Synergistic Research Master Couplers for preamp, Lehmann Cube, and amplifier. YBA CDP has the high-end YBA cord, speakers are MIT Z-Cord II's, tuner has it's own cheesy captive cord. IC's are a mix of custom cables from Classe, YBA, and Audioquest. Speaker wires were built by Classe for me many many years ago, eight 8' runs. I had two DR8's and sold one, so I'm running a single stereo amp in bi-wired mode. I listen to a wide range of rock music, with a little classical and blues thrown in every now and then. The sound just isn't full or authoritative enough; everything I've heard about Krell amplifiers are they fill the bottom end out and provide plenty of muscle. Any and all opinions for a good amplifier to match up with my system is much appreciated. Thanks, Jeff

Showing 1 response by gfroman

Not to toot my horn, but my KRELL FPB-650M monoblocks are glorious! If you are interested, I am selling them to downsize in my small condo.
List is $26000, selling for $12500.
Phone 206-465-3668