Which "tweeks" are more important

I'm satisfied with my electronics,cables and power cords. But I am thinking about fine tuning my system.I dont know which to do first.
Surge protection/line conditioner
Better audio rack
Better spikes for my floor standing speakers
input please
Thanks for your help

Showing 4 responses by tboooe

I would go with power then isolation/vibration control for speakers, amps, the components.
OEM, it really depends on where your room is in comparison to your main electrical box. For me, I would have to open up the dry wall and snake cable through a lot of wall studs. Both a messy and costly proposition. This is why I am going the AC Regen route. If you are lucky, it may be straight shot. If so, adding dedicated lines is cheap and easy.
OEM. so it looks like we are in the same boat. The only other AC regen I have tried is the Furman (cant remember which model). I liked the PS Audio more. Given your low power requirements you could pick up a used PS Audio P-500 for $1200 that would power your entire system.

As for old school R&B...good choices. Of course we cant forget Sam Cooke, Jackie Wilson, Mary Wells...

Please let me know if I can offer any more help.
Kevin, when you say do the dedicated line correctly, what do you mean? Is there anything specific you are referrring to? I am gettng ready to add 2 lines so I am very curious.

Thank you.