Which Preamp will go well with Mag 3.6R ?

Hello, newbie here...

Pretty much set for speakers and Amp. (Magnepan 3.6R is set.)

1. Amp - Between Bryston 4B SST, or Classe CAM 350 - which amp would YOU choose? (I'm 80% leaning toward Bryston)

2. Should I go with tube or solid for preamp? (I am leaning toward tubes though...) Which preamp will match well with above set?

3. While at it,,, Which CD player do you recommend?

4. Due to limited budget, I am thinking about buying used equipments.
What sould I look for ? or be careful of in buying used equipments?

I've set $5000 budget for CD and preamp

Thanks in advance.

Report: My first piece of the puzzle !! - Cary: CAD 500 MB
whcih was MacDadTexas's #1 recommendation.
(But only 1/2 of the amp... the seller already sold the other half)

I guess I can still test with this...
Hope to find the other half soon.

(If i can find a good deal, I'll probably get used 4BSST or 14BSST later.)
Jonk78, not sure how u going to find a used one. u may end up buying a brand new second mono.
Was the question which PREAMP will go with 3.6r's
I don't understand why everyone is talking about power amps.
I would like to know which TUBE preamp will go with 3.6r's?
I like details, big soundstage.   I am interested in vintage tube preamps.  Not new and latest and greatest.  I like Audio Research.

Help please.