Which preamp Dodd or Cary slp-98L

Would like some feedback on which preamp would best suite my McCormack DNA-500 SS amp. Source is Audio Aero Capitole MKII and speakers Usher Be-10 with Focal Utopia sub. I have a Melos SHA-1 and would like to upgrade.
Thanks Mrjstark, like I mentioned I have a McCormack DNA-500 powering the Usher Be-10s and a Focal Utopia subwoofer.
My source is the Audio Aero Capitole MkII and I think it is terrific. I listen to mostly smooth jazz. Just purchased a couple of XRCD with bossa nova and it sounds great. I have an old Melos which replaced a Bel Canto pre2. I really injoyed the tubes in the preamp and figured on a better pre.
I saw a Joules 150 on audiogon, don't have a fortune to spend, still paying the Ushers and trying to modify the living room for better sound.
The Dodd is a winner!

I've previously owned Cary 2002, Joule 100mk3, Joule 150, Herron 1/166a, CAT SL1mk3, Atma-Sphere MP3, a couple of Audio Research pres, and some others.

Go with the Dodd. Cheers,
Thanks Spencer, I think I will wait because I am redoing my living room. Once this project is over, making it acoustical, I will probably take your advise on the Dodd.
Dodd won over Modwright in shot out yesterday. Better tone and middle range. Modwright sounds almost SS-ish next to Dodd. Dodd is still on the top in my book. Who is next???? Maybe.....Audio Horizon ??? Anyone in NY area up for a head to head blind test with independent jury ??
Whatever the outcome might be , I am up for it....so is Dodd.

Is this the thread where the shootout is covered or is there more info in another thread? http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/index.php?topic=54625.msg501613;topicseen#new