Which power amplifier match audio research ref 3

I need to find a power amplifier which matches my audio research reference 3. I am currently using Blue circle BC2, the sound is too soft and not so detailed .
Is Audio research 300.2 a good match?
Which do you recommend if i want rich voice?
I totally agree with Atmasphere's balanced/differential observations. That's how the Ref 3 shows its full potential.
However I am not so sure on the impedance-match limitation.
The Aleph 5 input is only 25Kohm balanced differential, quite bellow the 100Kohm suggested mark. It's a great match with my easy speakers. Magic midrange and great dynamics.
Additionaly, if you check Stereopile's measurements of the Ref 3, it is inferred the distortion is very low on loads above 10Kohm.
As stated before, the most common mismatch is power-amp/speakers.

A dealer is announcing a new Ref 75 power amp (only balanced inputs as usual in the Ref series). Although quite expensive, this may also be a great match.
Hello Raybanma , I 'm still using with my REF 3 two monoblocks BAT VK1000 , due to the fact in one unit two amps , they are used in biamp mode for my B&W 800 speakers.
The inputimp. of the BAT is a perfect match for the REF3 .The sound together REF3-BAT is for me a marriage
in heaven.
Greatings from the Netherlands Hans
On this topic I would value it if someone could advise me on the following amps as a match for my ref 3 pre. I have B&W 804 diamond speakers and am considering a used AR ref 110 or the new ref 75 or Pass labs XA 30.5.
It is only for my bedroom so I do not listen loud often. My main concern is if the Ref75 and XA30.5 will be able to drive the 804's sufficiently. Any other recommendations will be appreciated !