Which phono preamp?

Hi All,

I am considering getting back into vinyl, Any suggestions on best phono preamp for the money? I was deciding between the internal phono amp from Rogue (I have a Rogue 99 preamp) or something like a Lehmann Audio Black Cube, They both go for about $500-$600. FYI--the rest of my system includes a BAT VK 200, Cary 303, Dynaudio 1.3 MkII, Nordost interconnects and Harmonic Technology Pro-11 Speaker cable.


Showing 1 response by franticfrank

Rives, I would like to know how to determine the optimum impedence match for my rig. Groovedancer mc+ cartridge 2.5mv,120 ohm. Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 Signature phono. Sonic Frontiers Line 3SE. Sonic Frontiers Power 2SE. Kimber 8tc (double run).Klipsch Lascallas w/Alk cross overs.
The only thing I understand about impedance matching is, to achieve maximum power transfer from source to load the two must be "matched". I haven't been able to find any info on doing this other than Smiths chart, and that seems to deal with RF speeds. Any help you could send my way would be greatly received. Frank