which one would you get?

Okay, there is no way to a/b these, so I am just looking for a straight opinion...www.Audioadvisor.com is offering an AMC CD8B for 199. and a Cambridge Audio D300 for 175. I really can't afford much more than this for a cd player, so which one would you recommend. They offer a 30 day $ back guarantee, so I can try the other if it doesn't work out. Still, I'd like to make the correct pick to start. After reading the specs on their site and the reviews on Audioreview,I am leaning toward the AMC with the Burr-Brown 24/96. Any advice?

Showing 1 response by danner

I don't know about the D300se, but the D300 did not play CDRs. If this is something you want to be able to do, you might want to contact AA and ask about the units your considering.