Which one box Headphone AMP/DAC combo?

Currently I'm using a Schiit Audio Lyr amp paired with my beloved Hifiman HE-500 headphones. I'm listening to CD's SACD's,HDCD's and DVD audio thru a Modded Oppo 103 from the Upgrade Co. I'm considering a better DAC then whats inside the Oppo 103. I would prefer to have the AMP and DAC together in one enclosure, which would mean less cabling and I still would be able to listen to all those formats. I do not want to use the Oppo as a transport. Any suggestion's would be appreciated.
The Burson "Conducter" looks interesting. My price range is under $2000 and I listen to everything but RAP and Heavy Metal. Thanks

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Benchmark headphone amp section it's not the best for planars in my opinion.

I can vouch for the Conductor..it's an awesome unit, it have the popular ESS9018 and it sounds very organic. You are able to swap Dac module if you decide to.