Which of these power cords ?

I'm looking to upgrade my sound with upgraded power cords. Given I've got a tube preamp, 2 mono block tube amps, Aurender DAC and 2 Martin Logan speakers - we're talking up to 7 power cords so I'd like to keep the total cost for all of them to $1000ish. 

And some suggest going with one brand, to get the biggest benefit.

Brands on short list include:


Showing 5 responses by roberjerman

Ditto for the Tara Labs Evolution Omega at a mere $5300 - original MSRP of $12K!  
Pangea from Audio Adviser. When I needed a PC for my BEL 1001 amp that's what I bought ($90). Excellent quality! Why pay more?
I see a Purist Audio Dominus Diamond PC listed here for $4495. You'd have to be crazy ...
Buy Pangea and stop worrying! To believe that the "grass is greener" over there is to be caught up in a neurotic obsession!