Which new Reissues are free of pops, ticks etc?

frustrated greetings to all my audiophile friends. I have got so many records the last 15 months, which are made from inferior Vinyl (specially Classic Records, here it is frustrating because their first 180gr Batch is extremely good quality) or probably something else happened with them.

How about a new Thread where a List can be made, which one of the latest reissues is absolutely noise free (you know, that kind of quality we all have from the 70's,80's and 90's, before the Money-Maker-Reissue-Hype rolled over us).

Showing 2 responses by thomasheisig

Hi Pawlo ;),
no discussion about mastering quality (this is an endless Discussion), just about Vinyl. There are only 2 choices:
Has normally nothing to do with Record cleaning etc. These kind of noises I wrote about are in the Vinyl, you can clean them 5 times (or more), there is no chance to get them quiet.
Hi Albert, no I was not the one at Ebay. Well, I don't think, it has something to do with my Cartridges or Set up. I tried those records with everything I have (Transfiguration, Zyx, Lyra, Miyabi etc.) and every Tonarm, the Result was always close. Some Needle Designs are more sensitive to that than others, but in general it was always the same result.
When I switch to an older Record, nothing special but made in the 80's for example, everything is great.

Probably I have bad luck with my Package, I order nearly everything from Acoustic Sounds, but I can't imagine, that they buy different pressings than others....