Which network streamer (without dac)

Currently I have the SoTM SMS 200 network streamer (no Ultra, no Neo) and I’m using the iFi Power supply to power it. I run the USB from it into a Schiit Eitr and convert that to S/PDIF and from there into a Chord Qutest.
It’s sounds pretty good. BUTTTTTT, there are updates: Ultras, Neos, LPSs and on and on. OK, I can figure out the natural path for upgrading the SMS 200 to all those things mentioned above.
Before spending ~$2,000 to get the SMS 200 Ultra Neo and a good LPS should I look at other network devices?
I have my eyes on the Auralic Aries G1 - it’s $2,600. But seems very capable. So, it’s more money, but is it worth it or should I do as every other SMS 200 owner has done and go the Ultra Neo LPS route? Lastly, is there anything else in the $2000 to $2500 price range that has better SQ than messing with all the other SMS pieces.
PS. I like the Qutest fed via S/PDIF so, I want to keep that option and I’d love to try TOSLINK, too. Chord designer says optical is the best Qutest input.

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