which nad amp sholuld I get?

Category: Amplifiers

I like NAD sound and want to get a new 70w-120w nad power or integrated amplifier. (speakers have 89db sensitivity)

Currently I have 70w amplifier, 60w was not enough for me.
Should I get 320bee, this post says it very powerful:
or c270, or maybe the older 218, 214?

I don't turn volume control past 10 o clock.

Showing 2 responses by rar1


Thanks for referencing my review. Tobias is on the mark in asking for more information. I was using the NAD C320BEE in a 10 X 15 X 8 1/2 room with Acoustic Research 302 speakers. These speakers could go down to 35 HZ and the NAD complemented them pretty well. Thing is though I live in an apartment and I don't crank the sound up that much except on the rare weekday afternoon. With music the NAD had more than enough power given my room size and all that, but when I would play a DVD using the NAD, the NAD would run out of gas.

So, provide us with some more info and we can talk some more.

Regards, Rich

It must get really loud in your listening room. I understand what Tobias is getting out in suggesting an amp that puts out 200 wpc or greater ... but that just sounds like overkill in a 11 X 12 room ... but the science requires that to double the volume you must double the power. I am assuming that your speakers are in B&W's 600 DM series, which are something like 88/89 db efficient and that you are looking for an amplifier in a complementary price range (stop me at any point if I am wrong).

If your current amp allows you to use its preamp section separate from the power amp and given that you like the NAD house sound, maybe the way to go is to try NAD's C272 power amp @150 wpc. If you can't go do the pre/power split, the C372 integrated amp @ 150 wpc may be the ticket.

Do you have a local NAD dealer who will allow you to try a home audition?

Regards, Rich