Which MM Cartridge for under a grand

Hello. I am a new member to Audiogon and am seeking some adivce. I have a vintage system consisting of a Pioneer SX1980 receiver, Teac X2000 reel to reel, Klipsch Belle's and most recently added a Pioneer Series20 Model PLC-590 turntable. It is set up with the Pioneer PA1000 tonearm, with an aftermarket headshell by Orsonic. Ive installed an Audio Technica 440ML cartridge that I was previously using on my Empire 698. My listening style is varied but mostly classic rock from the 70's. Now I'm looking at new cartridge's and would like to be in the 5 to 7 hundred range. Given that you guys know just about everything with regard to turntable setup and I know just enough to get myself in troublecould someone please make some recommendations. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to becoming part of your community. Rick
I think what it comes down to is my inexperience with a variety of cartridges. So I don't really know what I don't know. I am not sure that my 440MLa is the right cart for my current setup. While I said I listen mostly to classic rock...I lean more to the acoustical side; not the heavy metal. Going to the 150mlx my be a good starting point. I've also been reading about the Clearaudio V2's. They seem to have constantly good reviews.
Hello 35off,
Pardon me for speaking of you in the third person, but I was trying to make a point. What I'm suggesting is not getting a 150MLX, rather using that stylus on your 440. They're interchangeable. The result might be greater than the sum of the parts. For the past 30 yrs or so, I listen to acoustic jazz almost exclusively, and the 440 with a 150 stylus is really good.

With a removable headshell it's relatively easy to swap cartridges if you have a shell for each cart. Once it's aligned and mounted, to swap carts all you need to do is rebalance. You might want a mono cart for those type records and maybe others with a different sound or presentation. You already have the 440, why not see what it can do and take it from there?
It's not a moving magnet, but a moving iron is also a high output cartridge. In the new Stereophile Herb Reichert reviews the Soundsmith Carmen, which he likes a lot.