Which MIT speaker cable?

Of all the stuff in audio that is confusing, wire has to be the most difficult to navigate through and I'd prefer not to buy and sell wire a dozen times til I get it right. I've been doing some research on speaker cables of late, seems many of you like the MIT wire. Here's the set up: Oracle Delphi IV/SME345/Grado Reference through a Lehmann Black Cube, YBA CD Integre, Magnum Dynlab Tuner. IC's include Transparent, YBA, Audioquest. Power cords are Synergistic Research AC Reference on all source components, preamp, and amp. MIT Z-Cord II's on my ML Quest Z's. Preamp is a BATVK30, driving a 25' single ended cable to a Classe DR8 amp, amp connected to Martin Logan Quest Z speakers. I intend on upgrading this long run to quality balanced cables soon. In the meantime, I have eight 8' foot runs of speaker wire made for me by Dave Reich when he was at Classe which I'm now considering changing. I went to Audio Advisor's website and looked at two different solutions, both 10' Biwired cables with spades. The MH-750 Series II is $538, the Terminator 2 Bi-Wire is $212 (add some bucks for termination). I'm looking to tame the high end a bit in my ML's, which cable would you suggest? Thanks, Jeff

Showing 1 response by gjrad

I agree with "Megasam" like everthing else you will need to try the MIT cables to see if it works in your system. It does help control the top end yet it still leaves the detail. With Thiel speakers, MIT speaker cables are a must and match very well, with other speakers it may not be the best match. Audio Advisor sell them at 50% off and if they don't work out you can return them within 30 days. Be sure to break them in before you finally decide. I only used their speaker cable not their I/C.