Which MIT cables for Thiel???

Reading many different threads over time I continue to see MIT cables mentioned a the "perferred" Thiel cable. I am still building a system and would rather use the members expertise than to shoot in the dark. My current system is Bryston B60 integrated w/ Thiel CS1.5's. Wire is Transparent the Wave 100. Still looking for a CDP, digital wire is Transparent the Link 100. Should I MIT both wires or just speakers? Need approx. 8' speaker wire, looking used $5-800. Which wire, there are so many different? Would like to warm system a little. Advice appreciated. ps, considering Cary Audio CD303/200 for CDP.
I'm using MH-750 HE (High Enery) speaker wire to the Thiel 1.5s, MI-330 Series 2 from the pre to the amp, and MI-330 Plus from the CDP to the pre. Total cost for the cable was $490 used. You're also missing half the sound staging capability of the Thiels without Sound Anchors stands ($325 shipped). The results are detail, transparency, and awesome sound stage. I would spring for the higher end 330/750 combos if you can but not at the expense of the stands. You will want a musical CDP. The Cary 303 should be great from what I hear. leo.
Isn't MIT just a stupid Zobel network in the box. All it does is attempt to smooth out the impedence curve to make the amps job a little easier. And you can build one for quite cheap.
I tried complete MIT with 2.3's. Analysis Plus were much better. My wife even heard the difference.
I love my Harmonic Tech Pro 9's with my Thiel 2.3's and I have HT Pro-Silways II between pre-amp and amp. Very well balanced sound. Retail $898 for 8ft pair w/spades. You can get them for less right here on Audiogon

Best of Luck