Which MIT cable b twn spectral eidolon

I have spectral; dma 360 monoblocks and am looking into Avalon eidolons. anice system for sure. I am auditioning several MIT cables (sorry all you transparent folk). I have so far found the cheaper MH 770 series II UL cable to be best. Definitely better than the Oracle matrix V2. I was curious if anyone else has nay input? I realize the whole cable question is highly personal and controversial but humor me, OK?
JD, ESL's are electrostatic speakers, in the setup in question they were Quads. The plasma tweeters are of German origin, made by the a-capella Hornspeaker people, they are excellent, because there is no membrane to be moved whatever, just a flame. They are fed through a pair of old Spectral 50's run in bridged mode. Regards,
Dear Detlof,
OK...I am with you up until the part about the ESL's and the plasma tweeters. Pardon my ignorance but what are ESL's and especially how do you have a separate pair of plasma tweeters running

That's interesting and I think you heard right. I own a pair of plasma tweeters, which I run separately with the ESL's which lighten up the voicing of the entire system considerably, if I want it that way and yes, I DID like the the voices and solo instruments like the violin better through the V2's. So I reckon you heard right, as far as my ears are concerned and the rest is a difference in taste, I suppose. Regards,
dear detlof,
how so?
I kind of thought the v2's were a bit darker although there was more separation around the voices. hmmmmm
Try to get in touch with Joe Abrams ( equusaudio@aol.com)
Apart from being a nice person he is very knowledgeable in things Spectral/MIT. (Funny I found the V2 better on ESLs also with the 360s. But then, as you say, its a highly personal thing.