Which magnepan

It’s been a while since I have had a pair of  magnepans and wondering which pair to get.

room size is 18 w x 21 L , 8 ft flat ceilings.  This room used to be the master bedroom and still could be, but right now it’s the stereo room.       I did try the 3.6rs in there and they are to big for the room as they didn’t image right.   Before I had those, I had a pair of 2.6qr’s and they were in a different room and really enjoyed
those speakers....and sold them as I took a break for a bit.
do I get a pair of the new MMGi and add a sub ( svs ), or do the get the 1.7 ?

Or are there other ideas for speaker ideas for around $1k to $1500 that image well and have good sound stage?

Showing 5 responses by addyson815


that could be an option.   I missed that one when I was on the site.     Thanks
the 3 series would be out of my price range....and really dont want to buy a used pair.         
for the short time that I had the 3.6r's in the room, the drummer sounded as if he  were up by the ceiling and  I had them a few feet from the back wall and about a 1 - 1.5 from the side walls.      think I was sitting 7-9 ft away ( + - ).

when I had the 2.6r's, those were in the living room and they had more room to breathe.   finding a pair of those in good condition is getting harder and dont feel like getting a pair and then have to send them in to get repaired.

the room might be big enough, but when I tried the 3.6r's , they just didnt work.....I dont know if it was due to the low ceiling ( 8 ft )? but they didnt sound right.        

is there a huge difference in the MMG i to the .7 ?     

still havent made a decision yet as what to get.    

have also thought about going with a monitor / sub setup ?         b&w , pmc ( if I can find them at a decent price ), kef reference 1 are ones I have looked at ( forums and you-tube, speaker sites ).

not sure if I want to get a big speaker as then you have to consider shipping, unpacking and getting them into the room, etc....

went to the closest Magnepan dealer today and listened to the .7 and the 1.7i's.            

the .7's were good, but it seemed like something was missing.....like not enough midrange and some detail was missing.     think with these, a sub would be needed as there wasnt enough low end.    

1.7i .     much more detail can be heard and low end was a lot better compared to the .7's .     a sub could always be added later if needed.   

I ended up getting the 1.7i's and will be ordered Monday and should be here in a week or so.