which jumpers for Vandersteen 2 Ce's??

I am awaiting the arrival of my new speakers and plan to try biwiring at some point but don't have the $$ to do it the right way at the moment. So, which jumpers work well with Vandy's? I have never had speakers with terminals like these.

Many thanks,
Audiolab....your experience is WAY different than mine. There is a very definite improvement in MY speakers when they are truly bi-wired... as a matter of fact, having separate wires (not plus and minus on one end, and 2 pluses and 2 minuses on the other) works best...8 separate wires. Also....Cardas cables are the very worst sounding cables in MY system. I had a complete set and was shocked how better the cheap Anti-Cables were...made the change.

Gustav1....I have had every Anti-Cable made. I now am using their shotgun bi-wire set for the speakers, and the Silver Xshadow ended top cables as interconnects. They are better at every level. I am absolutely loving the ones I now have.
Do not use jumpers on Vandersteens. Buy some inexpensive speaker wire at the Shack or go to Home Depot and buy solid core 18ga wire. I think it is called thermostat or door bell wire. It is dirt cheap. It's like a poor man's Anticable with hardly any dielectric.
Wound up running home-brewed 14 gauge solid-core biwires to the Vandys. Essentially 8 wires for the pair, coming back to 4 bananas. Soldered terminations on and they sound almost as good as the true biwire oval 12 that I borrowed. They do somethings better and some worse than the Analysis+. Since my room requires a 17 foot run (WAF for electronics placement) it was a very economical way to go in comparison--even to the AC's. I do plan to audition those, Morrow and signal cable in the future though. Any thoughts on those comparisons would be appreciated.