The room embeddings exceed any electronic design potential S.Q. of speakers or any other electronic components in almost all case....
Acoustic embeddings wins all....
Speakers cannot work rightfully in a bad room, at the maximum potential, without mechanical vibration/resonance controls and in a too noisy electrical grid...
Any acoustic engineer will say the same thing...
« Audio is the active communication between the room of the house and the room of your head. Simple» -Groucho Marx
Electronic design is generic, and the same for any room....
But the interaction between the room of the house where the speakers are amid many other things, and the room of your head, is not generic, it is totally indiduated and absolutely unique.... It is from this communication between the 2 rooms that any S.Q. is or is not what it could be.... The resonance/vibrations controls, and the noise floor of the house and room increase or decrease greatly also the S.Q. But the communication between the room acoustic and your ears are the main factor....
Anyway all these 3 embeddings are totally particular in each case....Electronic design is generic, an electronic component need to be embed to express any particular working of his own.... The factors that will influence the working of any electronic design are EXTERNAL to it: another interacting connected gear, the electrical cables of the house and room and all electric appliances, the vibrations and the many sources of all interactive resonances, all that will transform amy electronic component giving to it an individulized behavior and a variable qualitative workings....( i even forget humidity, temperature and the electrical grid in a particular city)
At the end the evaluation of the S.Q. of any working electronic device will be communicated to you by the room acoustic....
No amplifier speak by himself.... the speakers are translators...
The room only speak by himself to your ears....
«If the room speaks, then my ears too»-Groucho Marx
« You said it Groucho, not me» - Harpo marx