Which is the best cable for Martin-Logan?

I use martin-logan Quest z with monster-cabe powerline 2 plus (krell power,mark levinson pre..etc) but my friends of Audio club say monster is not good for my system and Transparentcable is best for mine... unfortunately..it's very expensive... and they recommand MIT , Cardas well, I dont know much about cables. Must I change speaker cables to get clear sound?
I've had three different M-Ls (Aerius, SL3 and now CLSIIz). Have used Cardas, MIT, Tara, Nordost and XLO Signature. I've settled on the XLO with the CLSIIzs. It was a tossup between Nordost and XLO with the Aerius and SL3s (I was using biwiring for these two speakers). None of the cables sounded bad. I would have been happy with any of them if I had not compared them with each other (which, of course, is part of the fun). As a postscript, I think the Nordost bi-wires sounded best (with SL3s and Aerius i's) when I used a tube amp (Jadis Defy 7). Van
I originally had Monster PowerLine 2s with my QuestZs and the sound was very hard. Tried a bunch, all sounded way way better than the Monsters. Others all sounded pretty close; settled on Transparent bi-wire (about $600). Dump the monsters, they really were dissapointing.
I use MIT currently. I've tried Monster Powerline but they were very hard sounding.