Which is the best cable for Martin-Logan?

I use martin-logan Quest z with monster-cabe powerline 2 plus (krell power,mark levinson pre..etc) but my friends of Audio club say monster is not good for my system and Transparentcable is best for mine... unfortunately..it's very expensive... and they recommand MIT , Cardas well, I dont know much about cables. Must I change speaker cables to get clear sound?
Yes, cables can make hugh differences in sound on your system. I too have heard a number of cables from both Kimber and Cardas, and they blow away anything I have ever heard from Monster, IMO. Transparent cables may be good, but seem to be even more system dependant than most. I would recommend the Select line from Kimber, or Purist Audio Designs. I was using PAD on my ReQuests with a Levinson No.38 pre and Classe CA300 power to good success. One last thing, never buy cables outright, money back guarentee or not. Most dealers charge a restocking fee at the very least. Any half decent dealer will let you borrow the cables to try at home in your system, for no cost. The length of time they'll let you borrow them for varies with each dealer. Good luck and Enjoy!
The Monster cable is a pretty good cable. However, Transparent sounds better to my ears. But: maybe it doesn't sound better to your ears, and for the money you can buy a neat pile of cd's. Decide for yourself whether or not you're missing something in the sound of your system, and if that's worth the money. If you buy another cable, get some kind of money-back guarantee.
The best is JPS or Miller Sound. I have used Monster Sigma. Got rid of them after Miller Sound which is a cheaper version of JPS. No cable better to my ears unless you get into thousands of dollars for exotic cables.
Problem is probably with the Martin Logans. Owned a pair of Quest's once. Was constantly fighting the room. If you have the speaker's closer than three feet from any wall they are too close. If you have cathedral ceilings, give up ,,,, you loose.