Which is best sub for N802 in fairly large room?

I have been living with a pair of 12 inch tube subs (using Paradigm X30 + 200w/ch bass amp) along with B&W 802 FS. Recently upgraded to N802, of course bass is greater but still not quite enough for the large room. I have problem integrating the old subs w/ new speakers, they just tend to muddy up the clean sounds of N802. Which sub or subs out there would be clean enough to use. Thanks to all replies, TN
Sony SACD 9000ES
Nakamichi PA7
B&W 802 Nautilus
Subs ???

Showing 1 response by psjulian

B&W has a Nautilus sub that they are or have launched. Same curved cabinet. Wish I could give you more info. I was just on their web site and I didn't look. Peace and Good Listening,Pat.