Which is best sub for N802 in fairly large room?

I have been living with a pair of 12 inch tube subs (using Paradigm X30 + 200w/ch bass amp) along with B&W 802 FS. Recently upgraded to N802, of course bass is greater but still not quite enough for the large room. I have problem integrating the old subs w/ new speakers, they just tend to muddy up the clean sounds of N802. Which sub or subs out there would be clean enough to use. Thanks to all replies, TN
Sony SACD 9000ES
Nakamichi PA7
B&W 802 Nautilus
Subs ???

Showing 1 response by harleyhawk

I have the N802s and use a Velodyne HGS 15 with good results for movies.
If it is music you are going for, I would look at upgrading the PA7 first with a newer amp to improve on the overall performance of your system. Next would be a DAC (the Bel Canto DAC 2 is great value and will be a significant improvement over the Sony internal DACs...) My Kora usually outshines the SACD (Sony SCD 777ES) recordings with Red Book CDs. Last of all the cables will also make a big difference.
I use a pair of Belles 350A monos with the Belles 21A pre CD is a Sony SCD 777ES (SACD) / Kora Hermes 24/192 DAC.
The bass is excellent for music without a sub.

Benefits of a better amp will blossom with cleaner mids / smoother highs as well.

I recently heard a SIM P5 / W5 combo that was very impressive driving N801s. In the same price range as a good Velodyne ($1500 - $2500) you can get a used high quality amp or perhaps 2 for Bi-amping.
I would look at Simaudio, Classe, Belles and McCormack to name a few.
Keep in mind as you go up this ladder, speaker positioning, quality cables (NBS, Siltech, TARA Labs Air series, etc.) and room accoustics / treatments are as important as the electronics and quality speakers.

A new sub will give you deeper bass but it will not clean up the system's overall sound and provide more musical sound like newer electronics & cables will.

At the end of the day it is what you like, what you want to spend and all of us have our own views.
