Which is best American Amp in $1500-2000 range?

I am considering the idea of upgrading my amp and I would like to know what are the best choices for INTEGRATED amps in the $1500-2000 price range. What are the best-buy options, that have the best cost/quality relation? Please tell me only the best american brands, not the british or chinese. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by macrojack

I probably shouldn't ask but why not the best amp rather than the best American amp?
I have been experimenting with Chinese product and I would have to agree that there are points to be concerned about in terms of construction. I just acquired an ASL Orchid integrated which uses 2a3 tubes. It has an O.K. chrome chassis, good binding posts,ceramic tube sockets, a really trick digital readout bias meter and the crappiest feeling controls I've handled in a while. On the other hand I have an Onix SP-3 that is built as well or better than any American product at any price. This is for real. Look it up on www.6moons.com. There are extensive pictures showing all the construction details. I've also had Dared amps here which I thought were very disappointing in construction and Eastern Electric which was exceptional but not up to the standard of the Onix.
Additionally there are European integrated amps which might suit your purposes.