Which is a better choice? New, or used preamp?

So I've been doing a lot of research, and am interested in people's opinions about a new vs. used tube preamps...

I'm looking for a good quality tube pre, maybe around $1500. People have recommended some new products (Doge an YS for example) in that price range, but I can't help but wonder if I'm not going to get a better performance with a used pre in that price range that used to sell new for maybe $2500-$3500?

That would be a 10-15 year old pre probably, so has the quality advanced such that the YS could present a better soundstage, for example?



Showing 1 response by rdavwhitaker

One preamp that would meet your criteria is the VTL 2.5. It is in the right price and age range, purchased used, and is renowned for its soundstage. There are a couple threads discussing the 2.5 on this site - it has an enviable reputation.

No doubt others will suggest equally attractive options.