Which integrated to pick...

Well after much convincing, I have saved my rig with one exception. My Melody SP3 amp must go. There are three contenders for replacements but don't know which will pair up the best. Any recommendation would be helpful.

Here are the amps that I have narrowed it down to.
1. Audio refinement complete - if I can find one.
2. YBA YA 201
3. Musical Fidelity A3

Which one of the bunch should I try to snag?


Showing 2 responses by foster_9

If these are your only choices The musical fidelity A3 doubles down 85 wpc @8 ohms 170 wpc @4 ohms so it is high current. The Europas are 4 ohm speakers and a little low on the sensitivity at 88-89db and require current. I'd probably go for the musical fidelity based on this.

YBA's are known for the quality and refinement of their sound though. With the Europas it could sound fabulous. I don't know the 4 ohm power rating of this integrated however which is important for an inefficient 4 ohm speaker.
How do you get an AR used? You watch the classifieds and wait for one to come up. That's the best way. You could also do a search for AR dealers and see if any have demo units available but you will definitely pay more that way. The Complete is nice, I owned one briefly but I believe it will under-power the Europas.