Which integrated amp for rock/metal (and why McIntosh?)

Dear all,

I recently obtained new speakers (Fyne Audio F704) and I have the idea (my wife says it too) that my NAD M32 doesn’t seem powerful enough to push music through our living room. On the Totem Winds I had before, it was less of a problem, the F704’s are really massive. I mainly listen to rock / metal, my wife likes to add some EDM/EBM (dance) in between. I’m also running a REL Carbon Special so the low is covered well :)

Which integrated amp should I look for (probably opening Pandora’s Box here) to enjoy rock/metal? The few hints I found online, were Krell and McIntosh. I’m wondering if it’s because of the "rock ’n roll name" (Krell) or the rugged look (McIntosh). I could for example get a MA9000 (300w, Class AB integrated amp) - would that be a good choice? Is it worthwhile to move from a Class D amp to AB?

Looking forward to read your input.

Showing 6 responses by koenvingerhoets

Thank you for your reaction @chayro . I'm alas from Europe. Which also means the price of a McIntosh is 150% of the USA. (MA9000 = 11.000 USD => more or less 9.500 EUR ; retain price here is 14.200 EUR = more or less 16.500 USD). I bet it's the same the other way around, for EU audio brands.
I'm looking at second hand, it's the part of my system I didn't settle yet :s
Thank you for your feedback already. While I set out to see if the MA9000 would be a good match, the last 6 hours I got very interested in the Hegel H590 (power & connectivity), the Gryphon Diablo 300 (mentioned as the best amplifier ever).
Thank you for the feedback @jjss49 and @verdantaudio for the references, thx @kenrus and @g_nakamoto for vouching for the MA9000.
Thanks @stereo5 and @archguy for your concern. I can pick it up in the original box - so all ok on that side.

After reading reviews and comparing technical sheets for hours, I'm focusing on
- Hegel H590 (has all the connectivity I need)
- Gryphon Diablo 300 (as the amount of positive reviews are just massive)
- McIntosh MA9000 (as it started my hunt for the next amp)

I guess I'll contact Fyne Audio too. After all, their speaker are fairly new in the market, not much "mix & match" to be found yet.

These are nice amps @mofojo ! And slightly more portable than the 40kg of the PA 3100 HV. Looks nice indeed. I admit I love the sober bulkiness of the T+A. Nothing fancy - just music. 

I thought about separated amps @arcticdeth.  I even considered monoblocks. But in the end, the T+A factory is 2 hours drive away. Stepping up to spending big money (speakers, MP and amp are each more expensive than my wife's car), I really wanted to pay attention to guarantee and repairs. REL sub is new, T+A covers guarantee for 3 years after repairs, etc. 
Honestly, to christen the speakers I was looking for music that would be subtle, vocal, and heavy as well. I eventually settled for Light Field Reverie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J72wtM8d1DM Give it a shot - amazing to feel how the music builds up tension and how accurate the speakers throw it in my living room.
Hi @waltersalas ,
Reading the feedback about McIntosh, I started digging deeper on shipping requirements and after care. The unsettling higher cost finally tipped me over to look further, for a more local brand.
Eventually, I went for a German brand: T+A. Their PA 3100 HV (A+B integrated amp) has excellent reviews and I could buy one for a fair price. As the enclosure was damaged way beyond the dealer’s promises, he had it completely replaced at T+A. They showed an amazing customer service - excellent open and transparant contact.
While I started on a BlueSound node, I meanwhile bought a brand new T+A MP 3100 HV as well. Very multifunctional and highly integrated with the PA.
The speakers work awesome now. They have not blinked an eye, the looks are truly gorgeous and stunning. I replaced the spikes with GAIA I feet and put them on a 30 kg marble slab (my wooden floor is not that even). My dad brought Pink Floyd with him last week, to test the Mediaplayer with the Amp. The depth of the sound is amazing, you can point where the instruments are played. I used to listen to music, now I really take an entire evening to listen to this setup. Fyne did a great job with these massive speakers.

My complete setup
- T+A PA 3100 HV & T+A MP 3100 HV (both on an oak slab, supported by Herbie’s Big Fat Dots to avoid damaging the closet on which they stand).
- T+A Quad XLR interconnects, standard powercables but I plan to move to T+A Carbon. WireWorld UTP cable.
- Fyne Audio F704, on Gaia I feet.
- Pure silver bare bi-wire cables from Tempo Electric (USA)
- REL Carbon Special, on Herbie’s gliders, connected with the REL AirShip.
- iFi Audio PowerStation to clean the electricity

(If my wife reads the above, you're all invited to my funeral)
You're welcome @waltersalas 
I had the REL before the Fyne's. I doubt I would buy the REL if I had the Fyne's first. They manage really well, it's surprising but as you now, they have a 360° / downfiring approach; Works well.
No weakness experienced, looks good and sounds even better.
I can record a song on iPhone for you, but it won't be the same as the real stuff.