Which integrated Amp, Almarro,Cayin,Red Wine?

I'm thinking of switching from separates to an integrated amp in order to simplify my life. Currently I am using a tube amp (whose manufacturer, I won't mention at the moment)that runs at about 85 watts in tetrode and 40 watts in triode. I've been considering the following integrateds for my 22x10x9 room with acoustic ceiling and carpeted floors: Cayin A-50T, Almaro a318b and the Red Wine 30.2 (a used on puts it in about the same price range as the other 2). I'll be using speakers of 8 ohms and around 89db to start (only one change at a time). I love the tube sound and want a system that makes me want to tap my foot and feel and hear what is there. I listen to mostly live recordings or recordings made w/o studio processing or overdubs (mostly jazz & classical) Does anyone have any input on these 3 amps or a different recommendation?

Showing 1 response by listener57

If you have a chance to purchase the integrated
Aronov LS-960I running in $1000 range on Audiogon
you will get an upgrade with excellent sounding sixty watts per channel from 6550 output tubes (can sub KT90 or KT88).
The dynamic range and superb bass control and extension is complemented by very realistic and musical "sound" making your live recordings a real joy to hear.
I find that this unit never fails to optimize bass quality on any speaker, an attribute which is not often found in otherwise fine integrateds. This distinctive ability in a tube design really keeps the toes tapping with a "you are there" experience.
The only exception to both improving and simplifying your life would be the dual volume controls. But, sometimes one must suffer at least a little for beauty.