Which integrated Amp, Almarro,Cayin,Red Wine?

I'm thinking of switching from separates to an integrated amp in order to simplify my life. Currently I am using a tube amp (whose manufacturer, I won't mention at the moment)that runs at about 85 watts in tetrode and 40 watts in triode. I've been considering the following integrateds for my 22x10x9 room with acoustic ceiling and carpeted floors: Cayin A-50T, Almaro a318b and the Red Wine 30.2 (a used on puts it in about the same price range as the other 2). I'll be using speakers of 8 ohms and around 89db to start (only one change at a time). I love the tube sound and want a system that makes me want to tap my foot and feel and hear what is there. I listen to mostly live recordings or recordings made w/o studio processing or overdubs (mostly jazz & classical) Does anyone have any input on these 3 amps or a different recommendation?

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

Valve sound or not is first question.Red Wine will have less flexibility input and output wise but has great harmonic richness for a SS.Ask around about battery upkeep aomw have said it's no problem but I was told by former seller of Dodd Battery Pre ultimately for some it's not worth it.Good harmonics with Redwine but no valve euphonics so different sound.Both Alammaro and Cayin are good values but you may or may not want more power of Cayin (I own 40 wat EL34 EAR and it's find with speakers those specs but I don't play insanely loud).

If you want another option my friend runs speakers with those specs (B&W 805 Matrix III's) with a Cary SLI80 in triode but nice thing is if he changes Speakers he can get a lot more power on tap in pentode (double the 40 into 80 watts).So0 for $1750 to $2k used you could get double power.But Cayin is good deal. and will give more depth a and dynamics and Almarro will be richer.Just brought up Cary because 40 watts isn't too much and you could swap to hungrier speaker.It and VTL are good value unit's.But between Cayin and Alamarro you camn decide one what you want SET richness or Cayin Dynamics (or spend more on used Cary).But you should find wither and SET or push puol in same room with a Redwine and see if what you like.New Redwine tube mod option is nice but it's limited input/output and cost may not be worth it $$$ wise for me and be just what you want.You can get inputs and outputs added by Vinnie for $500 a set (I need one for digital and one for analogue minimum plus second outs for sub is nice) but dollar value not as good as tube units.but I want to hearer it with valve and new battery set up (which Vinnie say's should last loner).Just wish he made a Integrated with a bit more power and inputs outputs of his pre without as high a price tag.Obviously I have thought about it myself but at Redwine cost have thought might as well get a tube pre and a Pass J or other SS.If I dump my Ear I'd go Cary but if starting Alamarro and Cayin are good values.