which hybrid amp?

I've hearing some mixed reviews on the unison research unico
amp. what do you guys know about that, and what other hybrid amps around the same price are also worth to try?
Tends to be on the warm side, soundwise, beautiful, lush mid and high, tight and low bass. What else can you get for this kind of money?
You can look into a BAT VK300X, but then you have to spend a lot more money.
Good luck,
Hands down, no contest, best bang-for-the-buck is the Audio Van Alstine FET Valve 550EX. Detailed, dynamic, gobs of power, and handles loads down to 2 ohms (are you listening, Apogee owners?). It's non-fatiguing and plays very well with any speaker I've tried it with. Puts amps 2-3 times the price to shame.

Lovin' every minute,