Which high-end receiver?

Good news, bad news. We're moving into a much bigger house, but the built in area around the entertainment center is so small that it will not hold my power conditioner, amp, processor, DVD player and cablebox.

The wife is insisting that I downsize into equipment that will fit, which will mean getting rid of the processor and amp (at least).

I'm thinking that I'm going to be disappointed with a receiver, but I'm willing to consider the higher end units. Any useful pointers/comparisons between the Denon 5805, the Lexicon RV-8, the Sunfire Ultimate, etc.?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I'm into an Equitech conditioner, ATI (7x200) amp and Arcam processor right now.

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Showing 1 response by jmpwme

Hi Keith - sorry to hear about the downsize. By the way, that monster Cal audio you sold me is sounding great.

Funny that the above post popped up. I was about to suggest the same two units.

Don't know if the old EAD makes a receiver, if so, check it out. Their processor is fantastic.
