Which Headphone Amp in the $500 - $800 range

I like to upgrade from am EarMax (original) which I love the sound of, but believe it to be a tad unpowered for my HD 600's. Would someone be able to lend a hand? Would love a Single Power but it appears out of my price range.

Thanks much, Poots
When you visit Head-Fi.org, take a look at the review I wrote on Consonance Cyber 20. The review is a few years old. I've not actively looked into the headphone scene for the past two years so things may have changed quite a bit.

I had started out looking at the Earmax Pro. Then I got really involved with Head-Fi.org and organized several local meets. I brought all my front end gear to these meets so I could try out different amps. But ended up buying this one, and two other amps, Cyber 30 (using 2A3s) and Rudistor RP-5.1cav (tube hybrid). Each amp has it's own special personality. I have both HD600 and HD650. I especially enjoy the HD600 w/ Cardas headphone cable and the Cyber 600 combo for Jazz and female vocals.

I believe there's also a review of the Cyber 20 at Soundstage as well.

If you check out the for sale forum at www.head-fi.org there is a Singlepower PPX3 with the output adapters for 5687 tubes. Its a steal at the asking price of $650. Probably some reviews out there on the PPX3 and the PPX3-slam. (which it is with the 5687 output tubes) If you google them.
Thanks for the "heads" up on the Single Power PPX3. It was a great deal, and was sold by the time I got there.

Thanks for pointing it out.

Good advice about rolling around at headfi.org

I love my Woo Audio WA6 single-ended, class A headphone amp. I do suggest going ahead and ordering it with the upgraded rectifier tube.

I can recommend the SinglePower that I use with my 650's...I previously drove them with Musical Fidelity's X-Can3 (bloated bass)...the SP is perfect...wait and find one used as I did...you will still need to crank it up but the sound is too sweet!