Which Ethernet filter?

Hello all,

My new Innuos streamer system is coming along nicely, and I've been startled how my A-B comparison of USB cables affected the overall SQ  - I settled on the FTA Sinope.  I'm now looking at enhancing the ethernet feed to the Innuos.

Presently, I have the SotM ISO-CAT7 (limited Red edition with dCBL-CAT7u cable to DAC), and noticed a lift in detail once installed.

I'm very interested in the Network Acoustics ethernet options.  Has anyone compared either the Eno or Muon systems to the either the IS0-CAT6 or ISO-CAT7?

Many thanks,

Netgear Orbi Satellite  =>  AQ Carbon  =>  SotM ISO-CAT7  =>  SotM dCBL-CAT7u  =>  Innuos Zenith Mk3  =>   FTA Sinope USB   =>  Hegel H390


Showing 1 response by arafiq

FWIW, I used to own a Sonore opticalRendu which was using fiber optic conversion. It was really good, but my current combination of Eno + Innuos Zenith is more natural sounding as @lalitk mentioned in his post. I don't think optical is best by default -- like most things it depends on the rest of your system and preferences.